
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ireland Bound!

Greetings, friends! I come bearing an exciting update! Apologies for being AWOL on here since last semester (I mean, I only have 5 followers - the rest of my views come from those of you on FB who take the time to read these - so I'm sure no one has actually missed these), but I haven't really had the chance to write much exciting.  Unless, that is, you really want to hear about 60 different kinds of birds, environmental physics, or music theory. However, now that the semester is nearly over and I'm busy procrastinating from working on homework (yes, that's what I'm doing right now) and studying for finals in a few weeks (my school starts late, what can I say. Most of you other college folks are already done), I thought I'd let you know that I'll be updating more frequently in just a bit less than a month!

As part of the Greenville College Choir, I have the amazing opportunity to travel to Ireland and tour there for 10 days right after finals week. In order to fulfill a "Cross Cultural Credit" requirement, I will be writing blog posts for a group blog and I figure I may as well post them here while I'm at it and keep you lot up to date on what all I get to do while I'm over there!  So be looking for more of these posts starting around May 25 - hopefully there will be pictures involved :)


Edited by myself

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